Role of the Governing Body
The Governing Body of Hallcroft Infant & Nursery School is responsible for:
- Ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction;
- Holding the Head Teacher to account for the educational performance of the school and its pupils; and
- Overseeing the financial performance of the school and making sure its money is well spent.
Mrs K Stacey
Parent Governor
Chair of Governors
Mr P Metcalfe
Co-opted Governor
Vice Chair of Governors
Chair of School Development Committee
Designated Safeguarder
Mr A Tromans
Local Authority Governor
Chair of the Finance Committee
Mr D Barrass
Parent Governor
Ms K Ward
Co-opted Governor
Photo to follow
Rev A Shiells
Co-opted Governor
Mrs J Cook
Staff Governor
Miss S Carr
Staff Governor
Photo to follow
Mrs E Hollands
Parent Governor
The governing body of Hallcroft Infant & Nursery School is determined by an instrument of government and re-constituted as per the requirements of The School Governance (Constitution) (England) Regulations 2012. The governing body is now made up of 11 Governors.
A key document for anyone interested in the governance of the school or in becoming a governor is at:
Work of the Governing Body
The work of the governing body is in the public domain, subject to confidentiality, and all documents are available via the school office.
Governance is included in the Leadership and Management section of OFSTED's school inspection that was rated Good in June 2016 – please see the link on our website to the OFSTED report.
Specifically the comments on governance were:
- The governing body has an accurate view of the school and has the confidence and skill to support and challenge senior leaders effectively.
- The governing body is determined and focused in its work to improve the quality of teaching at the school and to continue to raise the achievements of all pupils. The governors say they are able to hold senior leaders to account because of the information which they receive and, most importantly, that they now understand what they are being told and know ‘what questions we need to ask’. As a result, governors are aware of the progress of different groups of pupils in the school, and are proud to talk about the impact which the improved outdoor-learning environment in the early years classes is having on the progress of boys.
- Several members of the governing body have been in post for a number of years and know the school and local community extremely well. They are proud of the improvements which have been made since the previous inspection and have ensured that the school’s plans for improvement are effective. The plans are detailed, ambitious and set realistic time frames in which the actions required will be carried out and checked.
- The governors ensure that the school’s finances are in good order and that the agreed processes are rigorously followed for the management of teachers’ performance and the recruitment of staff.
- The governors are deeply committed to the notion of lifelong learning and have high expectations of themselves as well as the pupils and staff. They are eager to refresh their knowledge and acquire new skills. They regularly attend training opportunities provided by the local authority and as a result, have an up-to-date understanding of their roles and responsibilities.