Hallcroft Infant And Nursery School

Speech and Language


At Hallcroft Infant and Nursery School, we support the speech, language and communication development of every child in a variety of ways.   All teachers are trained in tracking children’s speech, language and communication skills, which means we can put the right support in place for children.   We use the Word Aware approach to vocabulary learning across the whole school.   This is an evidence-based approach that helps all children to learn, remember and use new words.   

For children who need a little bit more support with their listening and attention, vocabulary, or story telling skills, we run small group interventions to help, including Early Talk Boost and the Black Sheep Narrative programme.   For children who have significant speech, language or communication needs, we refer them for specialist support from a Speech and Language Therapist. We then work with the Speech and Language Therapist to follow advice and use strategies to support these children in school.

For links to websites which offer ideas and support for parents please click here

Here are a number of resources to illustrate "typical" speech, language and communication development in children, alongside ways to support your child.