Our vision of PE and School Sport at Hallcroft Infant and Nursery School
This is addressed through our PE Development Plan which aims raise the profile of PE and sport at Hallcroft in a number of ways. Our main priorities are:
Increasing staff skills, knowledge and confidence levels.
Increasing pupil participation in sports with other children.
Increasing the engagement of all pupils in regular physical activity while experiencing a broader range of sports and activities.
Increased confidence, knowledge and skills of all staff in teaching PE and sport.
We have addressed this by staff working with coaches from Retford Gymnastics Club, and working with the expert coaches from Premier PE.
Our PE coordinator has written a whole school curriculum plan and half termly Knowledge Organisers to ensure that our PE coverage is thorough and of a high standard. The progression documents highlight how our Early Years curriculum feeds into the curriculum in Key Stage 1
The school PE coordinator has attended termly meetings with the Premier PE curriculum coordinators. This enabled the coordinator to become aware of examples of good practice and to cascade knowledge to the rest of the staff during staff meetings.
Increased Participation in Sports with other children
We have also been fortunate enough to be part of the Elizabethan Family Collaboration, which has enabled our pupils to attend festivals with children from other schools at the Elizabethan Academy run by their specialist PE teachers in dance and Multi skills.
Engagement of all pupils in regular physical activity and a broader experience of a range of sports and activities:
The children have been offered a range of out of school sports this year run by the Premier PE coaches. We also have a weekly multi-skills club . Our coaches from Retford Gymnastics Club have also provided an after school club this year. The expert dance teachers from The Elizabethan Academy have also provided an after school dance club.
The development of our running track has enabled us to put physical activity as part of our everyday routines at Hallcroft and the children themselves have reported the benefits of this "It helps us get fit" "It helps us to concentrate"